Service for arriving passengers
Passenger service in the event of a claim for improper air transportation of baggage
The fact of improper air transportation of baggage, which serves as the basis for filing a claim by the passenger, is certified by the PIR act. The report is drawn up directly at the fault detection airport or at the arrival airport.
The grounds for drawing up a PIR report are:
- inconsistency of the name of baggage, weight or number of pieces of baggage specified in the documents;
- lack of baggage contents;
- damage (damage) to baggage;
- detection of undocumented baggage;
- loss of baggage.
The PIR act is drawn up and signed:
- airline representative – the person responsible for the checked baggage;
- authorized agent – a person certifying the fact stated in the act;
- the recipient of the baggage (interested person)
The additional number of persons involved in drawing up the act depends on the nature of the improper air transportation of baggage. After drawing up the PIR report, the representative of the airline sends a message with the data specified in the report to the authorized complaint agent at the airline's base airport, conducts a search, finds out the fact and the reasons.
When you arrive with Luggage or shortage it by the number of seats authorised agent accepts passenger the claim statement, is the act of the PIR in three copies, which specifies the number, date of flight, route, aircraft, numbers of baggage tags and Luggage description.